The tickets are purchased- Big Dave Hugs & High5's his 50th State!
to Nov 15

The tickets are purchased- Big Dave Hugs & High5's his 50th State!

  • Anchorage Distillery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What began back in 2001 as one bicycle ride across the country to honor a dead friend has beautifully blossomed into trips around the planet that has left 1/4 million people hugged, high5’d and smiling. 17 years later, I get to go embrace people in my 50th state - who says good things don’t come to those who wait??

Soldotna, Anchorage, Wasilla, Fairbanks and The North Pole -get ready to be hugged!!

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Big Dave & Advantage Rental Car are Teaming Up
1:00 PM13:00

Big Dave & Advantage Rental Car are Teaming Up

I am proud to announce that Advantage Rental Car and I are officially joining forces in order to increase the amount of goodwill out there in the world. Beginning today, I will be posting pictures-short stories-vlogs on a weekly basis.

Now go out and hug someone!
#Travel#Humanity#Hugs #HighFives#ThursdayThoughts

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Cleveland, Ohio
1:30 PM13:30

Cleveland, Ohio

I was hugging and high5'n at the RNC in Cleavlend last year and met Texas Governor Rick Perry. It was the second day of the converntion and while evryone else was draggin' tail - Rick enetred the cafe - clean as the board of helath. 

Not a hair out of place.


He wals staright over to me and says, "i hear that your atre the man to talak to if i need a hug." 

Hell yeah, I repliy and from there we have a short conversation about my travles, biking texas and life. He then asks for a pictire with my sign and asks for a hug - which i oblige. He then leaves the cafe to go to a waiting car - stops gets out of the car - comes back into  says, "Man that really is a good hug- can I get another ?" 

While hugging, I am trying to think of soemting clever to say and all i can do is think of Bill Clinton's rsepnese after meeting him: He's a good lookin' man.

So after the hug is over, I look at him and say, "you really are a good looking man" and he just looks at me blankly and says, "...well, yeah" and we laugh.


From there he went on to do his thing at the RNC and so did I.


Distance to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 134 mile

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